Dear friends,
As the holiday season approached, we are reflecting on what the past year has brought. These past months we have all faced challenges, and while many of us still face these challenges, we’re filled with gratitude that we can enter this season with you.
At FLR Sanders, Inc. we have enjoyed the relationships we have with our customers, business partners, vendors, and each other. We are delighted to be together, safe and healthy, and we hope you are, too. We’re thankful to those of you who we’ve been able to spend time with at conferences, community events, and at the office.
We’re grateful that you’ve trusted us. We know you have many choices when it comes to who you hire and work alongside, and we appreciate you choosing us. Throughout this past year, our commitment has been to keep everyone we work for, and with, flourishing. We hope that’s something you’ve felt as you walk alongside us.
With that being said, we wish you happy holidays and hope you are excited for the year ahead.

Dillon Cariveau